Prayers to Strengthen Your Faith, Family & Biz

Prayers you can use to activate your faith & strengthen your family as you level-up!

Did you know that the moment you said YES to stepping into your calling... you upset the enemy!

And if you haven't found out by now, he's after your stuff...

your family, finances, business, and your faith.

I've created this devotional to be your strategy to resist the devil.

The Bible teaches us that if we resist the devil he will flee.

Resistance is not a passive strategy...

In fact it requires you to actively and forcefully push against the thing that is causing friction in your life.

As believers we do that through the WORD OF GOD, it is our greatest weapon against spiritual warfare.

And Sis, if you are breathing I'm pretty sure you've come against some warfare a time or two.

I've found resources to help on this topic from a personal standpoint, but there's not many that helps to combat warfare in our businesses.

Our business is our ministry, it is how we evangelize -- by showing the love of Christ through our service to others.

This Devotional is filled with prayers that you can use whenever you need them.

These prayers were inspired in the midst of my own spiritual battle...

the one where I kept feeling like I was losing and no matter how hard I fought the more defeated I felt.

During that time, I learned that I was fighting with my own strength, because I didn't have a strategy to consistently fight back.

This led me to feeling burned out, hopeless, and ready to quit my business.

Looking back, I now know that is EXACTLY what the enemy wanted...

He wanted me to quit, because if I quit I would no longer be a threat.

That's when I wised up and created this devotional as my own personal inspiration.

I hope that you too, are inspired, to take back ground, as your faith is strengthened to continually become more of WHO God has destined you to be.

You've got this, and God's got YOU!

With Love, LaDondra Hervey

Business Growth Consultant | Award-Winning Author | Transformational Keynote Speaker